Welcome to Bleialf

Dear Guests,

We like to welcome you on the homepage of our village Bleialf.
It gives us pleasure to greet you in the Eifel.
For staying overnight Bleialf has multiple possibilities to offer, a hotel, guest-houses or holiday-homes and also a very nice youth-camp with wigwams, and also many leisure activities.
On foot or on a bike, our beautiful region the (Schn)Eifel is a wonderful experience for lovers of nature and rest.
In Bleialf itself you can go fishing, play mini-golf, go swimming (open from 15/6 till 15/9).
There is also the opportunity to visit an old lead-mine
(in german lead means Blei) from May till October.
For children there are playing grounds and you can have coffee or tea in the coffee-houses or restaurants.  

You will find that the village has a supermarket, grocery-store, bakeries some with a coffee counter, restaurants, garagists and filling stations and banks.
If needed there are also a family-doctor, a dentist and a pharmacy

We hope that you will have a very pleasant and enjoyable, relaxing stay in our village.   
We look forward to welcoming you to Bleialf.

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